Businesses are primarily made up of a group of people. Whatever the size of the business you are working for, communicating effectively across all levels is vitally important. Demonstrating that you relate well with your peers, managers, external parties and perhaps, most importantly, the customers, can have a big impact on your success in securing a new role. You need to demonstrate to potential employers that you are exactly the sort of candidate they will be eager to employ.

Effective communication is a process of exchanging ideas, thoughts, knowledge and information in a way that the purpose or intention is fulfilled in the best possible manner. In simple terms, it is the presentation of views by the sender in a way that can be best understood by the receiver. Everybody is capable of doing this. I recommend using YouTube as a great resource for training – you can upskill on interviewing techniques and also learn from some of the best people in the industry worldwide on how you can become a more effective communicator.

Clear, concise and effective communication skills are very much in demand by employers and any examples you can demonstrate will give you a real edge over other candidates. Listing communication as an ability in your skills section is not enough on its own. You need to show why you are effective at getting information across to others, whether it’s being a particularly good writer, emphasising that you have great listening skills, enjoy working with large groups of people, have delivered successful presentations, gained excellent feedback from customers, or are confident speaking in public.

Your communication skills can be showcased across your CV, from the skills section, to work experience, even in hobbies and interests. You don’t have to be an extrovert to have good communication skills – relating well with people is not about being outgoing or having a lot to say. Being sincere, authentic and measuring your words are all excellent traits. A healthy office environment is achieved by good communication – team members at all levels need to understand their place in the business and how they work in with other people to achieve goals and KPIs. Poor communication can lead to low morale or high turnover due to employee dissatisfaction. Effective communication can have a direct impact on your ability to perform your duties, particularly in customer facing and people centric roles such as hospitality, call centre and retail roles. 

Everybody can improve their communication skills – it is not just about diction and perfect grammar, effective communication includes active listening, showing that you are paying attention to the person who is talking; ask questions for clarification, demonstrate focus and concern and make affirmative comments. Speaking clearly involves finding a balance between conveying a lot of information while being concise and brief. Ensure you speak loud enough for everyone to hear and control your pace. Gather your thoughts and ensure your audience can follow your points. Use positive body language, provide clear expectations for tasks, maintain a friendly tone and provide constructive feedback, emphasising positives while providing ideas on how an area can be improved. Avoid criticism. Always maintain a high level of professionalism.